Steel Bars
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Steel bars are used in many different industries especially in construction industry, including those that deal with shipbuilding, machine processing, military equipment, architectural purpose etc. Steel bars come in various types, sizes and shapes such as flat, round, square, angle and channel bar.

Angle Bar
An angle bar also known as "L-bracket" or "angle iron" is a metal bracket with a right angle shape that frequently used to support beams and other platforms. An angle bar has L-cross shaped section with two legs that is equal or unequal and the angle would be 90 degree. There are basically 2 types of angle bars: Equal Angle Bars and Unequal Angle Bars.
Size Range:
65mm x 40mm to 200mm x 150mm (Unequal Angle)
20mm x 20mm to 250mm x 250mm (Equal Angle)
Flat Bar
Flat bar are long, flat and rectangular shaped section with square edges. It comes in various sizes and is widely used for all general fabrications, frameworks and structural use.
Size Range:
3mm x 19mm to 25mm x 300mm

Round Bar
Round bar are long and cylindrical metal bars that is ideal for all industrial and commercial applications. It is widely used for general fabrications, manufacturing and structural use.
Size Range:
6mm to 300mm
Square Bar
Square bars have four equilateral side with multipurpose steel section. It is widely used for general fabrications, manufacturing and for structural use.
Size Range:
8mm x 8mm to 160mm x 160mm

Channel Bar
Channel bar (Tapered flanged) is long rolled from steel sheet into bar forming hard U or C shape with inside radius corners that is ideal for all structural applications where greater strength is added rigidity over steel angle when load is vertical or horizontal.
Size Range:
50mm x 25mm to 380mm x 100mm
Lipped Channels
Lip channels also known as purlins are mostly used as a structural element. It is rolled from steel sheet to form a C or U shapes with inside radius corners..
Size Range:
60 x 30 x 10mm to 250 x 75 x 25mm